Renowned animal advocate, Clarissa Baldwin, has been selected to join the leadership team of Greyhound Racing UK, the nation’s top greyhound racing body. Baldwin contributes a vast amount of knowledge, having previously held the position of Chief Executive at the Dogs Trust for a quarter-century and leading the Greyhound Forum for twenty years.
The Chair of Greyhound Racing UK, Lord David Lipsey, shared his enthusiasm for Baldwin joining the board, highlighting her unwavering commitment to animal well-being and her comprehensive grasp of the racing world. He stressed that Baldwin’s proficiency will be crucial in guaranteeing the health and safety of the racing canines, a feeling Baldwin shared, expressing her dedication to collaborating with Lipsey and the Greyhound Racing UK staff to maintain the organization’s pledge of placing the welfare of these animals first.
The UKs top three animal protection organizations, including the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Dogs Trust, and the Blue Cross, have come together to denounce greyhound racing. They contend that the activity is fundamentally inhumane and highlight serious animal welfare issues that they believe are impossible to resolve adequately. These organizations are collectively advocating for a total prohibition of greyhound racing within the United Kingdom.